Thursday, February 25, 2010

by Paul Glasco

Obama had an opportunity to make the Republicans look bad today. But let me be clear - he blew it!

After FINALLY having a televised meeting with our lawmakers after bragging about it throughout his Presidential campaign, Obama could have brought the Republicans in, made them feel comfortable, and then bashed them to the public. He could have claimed, "Let me be clear - I invited them in - I listened to them - and they didn't give us a chance." He COULD have done this.

Instead, Obama and his Dem buddies went into the Healthcare Summit like the little kid who owns the ball on the playground and won't let anyone else play with it. They were stone-faced and seemed as though they'd rather be sponge bathing a porcupine on fire with gasoline than listening to anything a Republican or anyone who even looked like a Republican had to say.

Now I expect Pelosi to be an old condescending hag, Reid to be a spineless screwball scared for his job, and even Biden to prove to the world that he's just happy to be here. But I expect more out of our President. Would it hurt Obama to appear Presidential, even at the risk of appearing cooperative to the opposing party?

I am embarrassed that Obama is representing us in the world. This was his chance to truly appear to everyone that he can work with everyone to make things happen. Instead, he showed the American people and the world that he can be just as big a jerk as anyone else.

I almost feel sorry for all the Dems he threw onto the sword today who are up for reelection this November!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obama's no Jedi!

by Paul Glasco

I am reminded on a daily basis how little the current administration thinks of us - the "little" people. Take this excerpt from posted this week: "One year in, the evidence is clear – and growing by the day – that the Recovery Act is working to cushion the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and lay a new foundation for economic growth."

And this lovely graph accompanied it:

This can only be defined as clear cut propaganda. They know this. I know this. But how many of the "herd" don't see this? They see big words and shiny graphs and think, "Must be true!"

Now I have faith in my American brothers and sisters that we aren't that stupid. My real issue is how the current administration can create fluff and never have to explain how they arrived at certain numbers!

If my banker tells me that the reason I have less money in my account this month is because my interest rate went down in my savings account, I'll ask him "Ok, what did it go down to?" And he'll have to show me before I'm satisfied. If he gives me a number and it doesn't coincide with what's in my account, I'll again expect to see how he arrived at that number.

But if our government tells us they just "created or saved" 95,000 jobs and we see all of our unemployed friends and family from last month still out of work, plus MORE people being layed off, we're supposed to just accept it and keep moving???

What are these guys - JEDI'S??? Is the force really that strong in Obiwan Obama? Or is it just that strong in me?

We may not hold Washington accountable for their actions, but let's at least hold them accountable for providing numbers to us that we can qualify. 2+2 does not equal 95,000.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hey Nancy! You can't do it alone!

While it's been commonplace for Nancy Pelosi to eye gouge Republicans every chance she gets, she has now begun to resist those she cannot afford to push away - Democrats.

As Obama attempts to at least appear as though he's welcoming Republicans into his little circle of lawmaking elite, Pelosi doesn't appear willing to budge. Obama - in an attempt to appease Republicans - has suggested offering tax breaks to small businesses who create jobs. Pelosi has resisted. And resisted quite possibly just because the Republicans want the tax break.

Now this is how I see it. Nancy Pelosi is not a likable person. I'd just a well invite Michael Vick to sit next to me at a dog show than be in the same building as Pelosi. She is a bitter, self-loving hippy who is about as approachable as a skunk with bad breath and a skin disorder.

While it is a simple reflex for her to lash out at Republicans, she had better wise up and realize that her own party has seen the writing on the wall even if she hasn't and they will not go down with the ship with her steering it right into an iceberg. She may be the last one holding onto that "party first" slogan.