Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obama's arrogance knows no boundaries!

By Paul Glasco

For an administration that ran on a platform of promised "transparency" (among others) we don't seem to be given the whole picture by our buddy Barack Obama. Here's an excerpt from the Washington Times:

Last year, we learned that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had granted 111 waivers to protect a lucky few from the onerous regulations of the new national health care overhaul. That number quickly and quietly climbed to 222, and last week we learned that the number of Obamacare privileged escapes has skyrocketed to 733. - Washington Times

Nevermind the lack of transparency, how about keeping the same set of rules for all Americans regardless of who contributes to his campaign! All these people who supported Obamacare are the ones jumping ship. Did they know beforehand that they would get these waivers so they supported it or did they find out afterwards (like Pelosi and the rest) and then begged to be exempted? Either way, it's unlikely myself or anyone I know is eligible for a waiver.

What's even more troublesome is that exposing these types of double standards to the White House doesn't bother them anymore because we've all seen it so many times.

I've spoken to liberals who thought GW Bush was "cocky" because of how he walked. The arrogance of the Obama administration cannot be physically described.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Charlie Rangel's supporters are sheep running over a cliff on gun issues

By Paul Glasco

I responded to the great and honorable Charlie Rangel on his Facebook (I harrass him all the time) concerning his call for gun control. For those of you who don't know, Charlie represents Harlem.

You'll see my post below. Right below mine is a post from one of his supporters, a naive, bleeding heart liberal. I'm not making this up. Check out the ridiculous frame of mind these people wander around with. Scary. (I've added "*" in her name to protect the stupid.)

Here's the exchange:

Paul Glasco
You REALLY want to stop it? Then hammer those who use guns in the act of performing a crime! Let's hand out harsher penalties. Quit trying to take my guns from me. And convince criminals not to use them, if even through the threat of death penalties.

J***** T*****
Paul what you are discussing is after the violence has happened. We are sick of that. We want preventative measures put into place to prevent gun violence. No more harsher penalty talk, we got enough people in prison already and it hasn't helped. Less Guns, Less Violence. Give Peace a Chance...

Paul Glasco
Penalties deter if they are harsh enough. Persons should fear what happens to then if they commit a crime with a gun. My guess is those people in prison would most likely still be there without a single gun in thsi country. I don't think the guns make them have evil, criminal thoughts. If so, then they would be in an asylum rather than prison.

Creole Street will remain open - KPLC 7 News, Lake Charles, Louisiana

Creole Street will remain open - KPLC 7 News, Lake Charles, Louisiana

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Crosshairs" is the new 4 letter word!

By Paul Glasco

If we have conditioned ourselves to begin to function as if every sentence we speak needs to be stripped of its flavor and description so as not to offend or provoke one or two thin-skinned crackpots waiting for their turn to lash out at the huge majority of good people in this country, then we are ripe for the picking as far as opposing countries are concerned. Is it time to eliminate adverbs and adjectives and also release a short list of nouns that meet overall approval to reach this goal? Maybe a grammar czar?

The pulse of our country is not from a tiny group of drooling nutcases sitting in a rubber room rubbing peanut butter in their hair waiting for us to slip up in what we say so as to trigger their own predetermined blood bath. As cynical as it seems, sometimes s__t just happens!

This video clip is regarding CNN's apology for using the words "cross hairs". Ridiculous.

Monday, January 17, 2011

ATTENTION: Gun control advocates!

By Paul Glasco

A guy uses a legally-obtained gun for committing a heinous crime and now we want to take guns away from responsible citizens???

There's no doubt guns are used DAILY for terrible crimes across the country. But there are easily obtained statistics that prove that nearly all crimes committed using guns are done so with illegally obtained guns.

Let me ask you a couple simple questions about Jared Lee Loughner:
1. If he was deemed unfit to own a gun (should have been - thanks Sheriff Dupnik) and he was hell bent on committing this crime, don't you think he could easily have gotten a gun illegally? He would have either stolen one (like most illegal gun owners do) or bought a stolen gun.
2. If guns were outlawed altogether and he had these aweful thoughts in his head, wouldn't he have just used a different method to kill or hurt the victims? He would most likely have used explosives or something even more lethal and killed or injured even more people.

We're being a little naive if we think that preventing Loughner from legally obtaining a gun would have prevented this whole crime.

And for all you gun control advocates out there, here's a question for you:

Would you be willing to put a sticker on your car window or the front door
of your house saying 'I am an anti-gun person--there are no guns in this
[car/house]'? (

I'm jsut sayin'...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Obama to ease travel restrictions to Cuba, allow more U.S. cash to island - Cuba -

Obama to ease travel restrictions to Cuba, allow more U.S. cash to island - Cuba -

There has got to be an angle that benefits the White House here. This administration does not arbitrarily make these types of changes without benefitting from it politically. This story is supposed to fly under the radar, but remember it, because at some point you'll see why they're agreeing to this.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Muslims provide us no facts!

Since we posted our video of our discussion on the alleged Muslim bombing of a Coptic Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt, we have been flooded by emails from both Christians and Muslims...with one distinct difference.

Christians from Egypt and all around the world have emailed us many facts surrounding this bombing as well as facts and places to find or confirm these same facts.  However, the only emails we've gotten from Muslims concerning the matter are emails simply saying we are wrong in our assumptions we make in the video discussion.  Vile, hateful, poorly written emails saying we're wrong.  The one thing missing - facts - or even "made up" facts.  Nothing to prove to us that we're wrong. 

Once again common sense prevails and we will assume we are - once again - CORRECT.

Thank you very much.

Here's the video in question: