Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Government Owns You For Another Year!

With the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts Barack Obama had to get something so that this wasn't seen as a total failure by him. So he extends unemployment benefits for another year.

While Obama's twisted, socialist mind sees this as a victory for him, in retrospect it's not. You see, one of the biggest things killing Barack Obama's approval rating (and his "legacy") is his inability to budge the unemployment numbers (for the better). He thinks he's won something with this addition to his other handouts, but what this has done is guaranteed that the unemployment numbers will remain at least as high as they are now. Why?

It's simple - the people who have already adjusted their lifestyles to live off of unemployment checks and other government handouts are becoming quite comfortable with the lifestyle they're living at the expense of other working taxpayers. Some that we spoke to even admitted this to a certain degree. "Why would I go take a job making minimum wage sweating my butt off and go home tired everyday when I can stay home and be cozy and still draw a check?" declared Jeff, an unemployment benefit receiving citizen. "If they're stupid enough to pay me for sitting on my butt for three years then, hey, I look like the smart one."

There you have it. Some of the others we spoke to about the extension were just as happy to say something similar, but "off the record".

Barack Obama has created a problem that he can't afford to stop. If he pulls the benefits, then he's mean ol' Obama. If he keeps extending them then he's the savior, but must deal with the backlash in perpetuating a nasty cycle that guarantees a high unemployment rate.

Sure, I know not everyone on unemployment benefits is happy with it, but for those who actually want to work, Obama has scared businesses so badly that they'll never inject money into the economy until he's gone. Therefore, there are no jobs for those who actually don't want to live off of the government's teat.

Thanks, Barack Obama, for another home run!

- Posted by Paul Glasco of "Thinktown USA"

1 comment:

  1. Good Lord!! That is the whole intent of the extended unemployment section cause now (and I knew a few) Americans make more money sitting home then going out to work.

    Where is the outrage? I pity those without a job but is there no shame in living off the govt. when there are jobs?

    Need to read a book just out about Americans (yes, taxpayers like us) who finally take a stand against this tyranny. Small enough price for me to give it out this holiday as a gift cause it's about us (those 50% still being taxed). I recommend it as a thriller.


    Will there ever be an end to the unemployment expenditures should the economy not get roaring again over the next 5-10 yrs.? Can we afford any more joining the unemployment line?
