Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's killing all the birds?

By Paul Glasco

Are you like me - the impatient type who orders something and can't wait until if finally comes in? Do you click the tracking number on your FedEx or UPS order just to see if it's left China yet?

If so, then you know how much it's driving me nuts to not get an answer concerning all these flocks of dead birds that keep falling out of the sky. Not only have I heard from the news media that the occurance that caused the birds to fall out of the sky in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Kentucky "happens all the time", but I've also been told that by a local official in Lake Charles, LA that it "happens all the time".

That's right, forty or fifty birds littered Lake St. in Lake Charles, LA between Gauthier and Tank Farm roads, right next to the airport. Those forty or fifty birds were what was visible in the street. That does not include what fell onto airport property and in the other field across the street. The birds were one species - tree swallows (see picture above).

If that's the case, then why? They act so unsurprised that perfectly healthy birds are falling out of the sky, but no one can EVER give us a definitive answer as to why! I'm not trying to create mass hysteria by bringing this up. I just get a little suspicious when something that receives such massive attention never ends with an answere - good or bad.


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